You can easily create a careers page hosted on your company's website with the QPage job widget. The widget is a few lines of code that you copy and paste on your website. It will display your published positions automatically, all with your custom styling and formatting.

Accessing the widget:

To access the job widget, navigate to the Job Post step in the job pipeline by clicking the "Job" module icon in the main menu. Then click on Company Website.

Once you prepared the place you want to show the job, copy the code and have it added to your website on your careers page.


WordPress users:

We suggest using WordPress custom HTML and paste the job script there.Or in case you are using Elementor to create a landing page, you may create a custom HTML and paste the job script.This plugin can be another option for WordPress users. If you prefer to insert the code on a different page of your WordPress site (page, sidebar, etc.), then this plugin should work better.



The embedded widget can be customized with CSS and Javascript. Change the padding, color, and background for different elements, display a custom message if no jobs are available, and more.