Calendly integration

đź—“Connecting your QPage personal account with Calendly will help you automate the scheduling process.

1- Calendly webhook token generation:

To begin with, navigate to your Calendly account and go to the Integration tab and scroll down to the bottom "API and Webhooks”


Then choose "personal access token"> Name it and generate a token. Then copy the token

Personal token.png

2- QPage individual profile connection:

Now, let’s return back to your profile in your QPage workspace by clicking on your profile next to your picture on the top right sidebar.Then click on the 3 dots icon on the top right of the profile header and select "Edit Profile”

Scroll down to the bottom part of the profile edit page> Integration section and paste the token key in the box.

Edit your profile.png


voila 👌🏼, now you can have the latest status from Calendly whenever a candidate accepts an interview, rescheduled or cancel it.

Read more on how to use the auto-scheduling in the interview process here