A cohort is a set of candidates, leads or prospects grouped together because of a common identifier. As long as there is commonality, a cohort can be anything: from leads in a certain geographic location to passive candidates in the same function who can be converted to active candidates over time.Cohort helps you segment a group of contacts with similarities and run a campaign or an automated workflow for a certain result such as converting passive candidates to active candidates or turning prospects to MQL (marketing qualified leads).



Your campaigns and your contacts are your main vehicle to build a strong candidate relationship at scale. Your candidates have different skills and preferences, so you don’t want to send them all the same message from your transactional campaign. Candidates don’t feel special or understood when they’re served with a one-size-fits-all campaign and the chances are high to slip out of your reach (Why do you think Gmail created the promotions folder?) So how do you identify the channels, messaging, and features that resonate with the individual needs of different candidates, leads and prospects?

1- Define an ideal cohort target?

Once you define the candidates you need to target people with the same similarity.

Once you decide who you want to contact you need to consider the following selection criteria to find your ideal contacts:


2- Build a cohort workflow:

Select the "Cohort" tab from the "Contacts" on the left side menu or select a few contacts in your contact pool and add them to a cohort.To create a cohort, there will be 3 steps process from naming the cohort to inviting collaborators and designing the workflow actions.In the last step, you can add actions to the cohort workflow steps.So when a contact reaches the step, the designed action will be triggered automatically.Adding a step is an optional activity, but once you create any step you may need to move the candidate's card within the steps once a certain activity or targets meet.


Add Leads: You can add leads or any other type of contacts to the cohort from the contact. That will facilitate your control over your central contact database and add them by bulk to the different cohorts or sequences.

Cohort list: All published cohorts will be listed on the "Cohort" tab on the main page.

You will have the cohort and contacts' statuses at one view.Filter cohorts based on their name, status, tags, or their creation date.and finally sort them based on names, creation, and updated dates.
